Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to Survive Being a Part-Time Mr. Mom


My name is Dean, I consider my self a part-time Mr. Mom that takes on an important role in my childrens life. My wife is a full-time homemaker. I have learned many things from my wife from raising our children. She has also learned much from me. In this blog I hope to help many new fathers or busy fathers be a large part of your childs life.

Everyday Routine

In my daily duties as a father, I do the normal job like most men out there. I work the 9-5er.. they call it or 8 hour shift. I drive home through the good ol' city traffic that our wonderful city council is always trying to fix. The oh so great drivers trying to get home as fast as they can, nearly clipping my bumper to get their exit. I manage to make it home through those stresses to know what comes ahead of my long work day to now becoming a part-time Mr. Mom. I now have captured my negative feelings to come home knowing I would have to participate somehow. Just only wishing that kids would be fed and all I would have to do is watch my late tv show and go to bed. I used to work as much overtime as I could get till the economy dumped in this recent times. As with most companies these days, overtime is no possible so you have to manage how you earn and spend your money. I know I used to look forward to the extra money. I never used working extra hours as an excuse of doing my part, but thought that was all I needed to do on pulling my own weight in this perental responsibility. Now that I have more time essentially on my hands, It has opened my eyes more than ever. One day, I happened to be watching my 4 year old daughter play and something jumped at me. It was like a revelation. I asked myself, what am I doing? I was putting money first, and family second or sometimes third. I need to reevaluate how I run my everyday life.

Money is Materialistic

Money is important, so don't get me wrong guys. In most male minds, we think that money runs everything. Well in the material aspect of life, it does! Sure, you need money for gas to drive that car to drive to work to make the money. I have tried to explain it to my wife in detail, but as we all know "guys", we won't win that argument. But in the physical aspect, money is only secondary. I know when things go south, at least you have your family to be apart of know matter what happens.

Am I doing All I Can?

Well I can probably answer that one easily. If you have doubt, than there is a strong chance that you probly have more you can do. What we need to do is open up to the idea of that letting our wives only raising the children is not the right thing to do. It is very "old School", and quite frankly weak on the MANS Part. You might disagree, but think about how great it will be when you are older and your child or children look not only up to their mother, but you as well. I have already started seeing it in the short amount of time that I have been a father.

Enjoy What Your Children Enjoy

Begin a strategic way to be in your childrens life by Enjoying What Your Children Enjoy! It sounds easy, but if you have watched as much Barney as I have, getting to enjoy the lovable dinosaur can be a daunting task. I wouldn't say you have to sit there every second of the day with them. But pay attention to what they are doing. Ask your children questions about what they like or don't like. They are people too, just smaller versions. Being there with them is so important. I can still picture in my head the great way my son and my daughter both look at me while they are playing around. I know they are saying Thank you for being here. If you have a moment in your day at home. Pay attention to this and think about how you reflect on their life by just being there.

Capture the moments

Now Dad, by now you should be camera ready. If you haven't bought a camera. Stop everything right now and get yourself a digital camera. You can find one for all needs and prices. You don't want to be caught these days without one. You will be kicking yourself later. I promise you that. Whats even better these days is many digital cameras these days have the capability of having video. Its like getting two for the price of one! I figure children are like real estate. In Real Estate they always say LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! Well use that in your life for your children. Take picures in all LOCATIONS! Be that super dad and create albums on the internet, or photo books. You can find many programs that can help you. But get yourself a camera now if you haven't bought one yet.

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